8702 Beverly Hill St. Houston, Texas 77063 (713) 782-3939
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Unified Martial Arts
Taekwon-Do - Judo - Aikido - Kung Fu
Courtesy - Integrity - Perseverance - Self Control - Indomitable Spirit

In a culture that seems to glorify violence in everything from music to video games and television shows, the idea of enrolling your child in martial arts training classes doesn’t always seem like a good one. While martial arts-centered action films seem to be filled to the brim with violent behavior and gory injuries, you may be surprised to learn that martial arts’ training is actually very beneficial to kids.
Children from Van Binh Self Defense Academy consistently out-perform other schools in Taekwon-Do tournaments. But child development for us is more than winning trophies. They are encouraged to do their best, both in martial arts and academic studies, but are never driven to compete or advance rapidly if they do not wish to.
At the beginning and end of every class, all students recite the Tenets of Martial Arts:
Courtesy – Integrity – Humility – Perseverance – Self Control – Indomitable Spirit – Gratitude
Training at our academy helps children acquire superior coordination, agility, and maturity as well as reaping many benefits in several areas of life. They learn to display these character traits in their everyday lives.
According to the statistic from HealthyChildren.Org, “more than 6 million children in the United States participate in martial arts. Martial arts are known to improve social skills, discipline, and respect in children. Children can also improve their abilities to concentrate and focus on activities, as well as bettering their motor skills and self-confidence. Martial arts can be fun and beneficial at any age.”
Fitness is a crucial element to our martial arts classes. Warmups with jumping jacks, pushups and stretches are common, and the movements of the martial art itself often challenge your muscles and cardiovascular system. Martial artists are known for being toned, flexible and physically fit, and your child will be no different.
The ability to defend yourself against an assailant is an empowering feeling. Most martial arts use self-defense as a cornerstone of the entire program. The precise methods will vary from discipline to discipline, but you can be certain that with regular practice, your child will learn to defend himself in a variety of different ways.
Martial arts help instill mental focus in your child, giving him/her the ability to concentrate on a task and see it through to its conclusion. The discipline that is taught in our academy in regard to uniforms, conducts, attitudes and techniques often translates into other areas of life, including school and household chores.
Martial arts are all about respect. Punching, kicking, throwing and locking are all secondary to the respect that is shown not only the moment you walk into our school but also at home and school. Children learn to bow to the Masters who came before them, and to their current instructors. They also learn to treat other students as they wish to be treated. Our quality Instructors press upon the respect issue regularly and instruct students to practice respect for self, parents, teachers and peers at every opportunity.
A child who is involved in martial arts is generally a child who is confident in him or herself. Working through a martial art and the belt ranking system gives a child measurable goals to follow that are realistic to attain. The sense of accomplishment a child feels by mastering a new technique or graduating to a new belt follows everywhere he/she goes.
While the physical aspects of exercise and Martial Arts training improve your child’s general health, it likewise improves emotional health with increased self-esteem and self-confidence as well as decreased tension, stress, anxiety and depression.
Source: Post from a blog by Ken Myers, HealthyChildren.org